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Community Group Members Needed to Serve on the City of Atascadero’s Citizens’ Sales Tax Oversight Committee

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18 December 2024

The City of Atascadero Citizens’ Sales Tax Oversight Committee (CSTOC) was formed in 2015, after the passage of the 2014 local sales tax measure, Measure F-14.  The Committee also participates in the review of annual expenditures from tax revenue collected from Measure D-20, the Essential Services Transactions and Use Tax Measure. CSTOC has a total of nine members, seven of which are appointed by local Atascadero community groups, and two “at-large” members who are appointed to the committee by the City Council.

The City is currently seeking to fill three (3) community group-appointed positions on CSTOC.  Members of local non-profit community groups interested in serving should contact their community group leaders.  Representatives of all Atascadero community groups who are interested in appointing members to CSTOC are encouraged to submit an Interest Form no later than Friday, January, 10 2025 at 5:00 p.m.  Only those community groups whose member term is expiring or who do not have a current member on the Committee may submit an Interest Form.  The Interest Form is available below or by calling (805) 470-3400 to arrange for a hardcopy of the form. 

Members of CSTOC are not required to be professional engineers, accountants or finance managers. The only qualifications necessary are to be a resident of Atascadero and to have an interest in serving the community in which they live. Interested parties should be individuals who are willing to invest a little of their time as a representative. The City will assist members of CSTOC by providing them with all relevant information regarding the sales tax programs, Atascadero’s roads program, pavement engineering and other related information and materials.

A recruitment process is also now underway for the two at-large, council-appointed positions to CSTOC.  Any Atascadero resident who is interested in serving is encouraged to submit an application. The application is available below or by calling (805) 470-3400 to arrange for a hardcopy of the form.  The candidates for the at-large positions will be interviewed by the City Council in January.

Questions regarding appointments to the CSTOC should be directed to the City Manager’s office at (805) 470-3400.